
Year-end greetings

Thank you for 2024!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have used our store this year.
We work every day with the desire to "create an environment where everyone involved in tufting can be happy."

■We will continue to help those who do home tufting as a hobby so that they can create their work enjoyably and without any worries!

■We provide products and information to writers and artists who create tufting as part of their work that will broaden the scope of their creativity, and support more free creative endeavors!

■We will continue to support those who run workshops as a business to help them increase the sustainability of their business and make it a long-loved activity!

In 2025, we aim to further deepen our interactions with you and become an even closer presence as a reliable ally.
Ragmatag will continue to do our best to make tufting bring you even a little happiness!

We wish you a happy new year.
We look forward to your continued support next year!


Year-end and New Year holiday business hours

・ Physical store (responding to inquiries)
Until December 29th: Regular business hours
December 30th - January 3rd: Closed
From January 4th: Normal business operations resume
・Online shop
From January 6th: Shipping operations will resume. *Delivery dates cannot be specified for January 4th and 5th.
*We will begin shipping items in order from January 6th onwards, but please note that it may take some time for delivery depending on the number of orders.
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  • コンクリート風の背景に置かれた生成りの巾着袋。袋にはタフティングガンを持つキャラクターと “RUGMATAG” のロゴがデザインされている


    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 


    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 

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