カラフルなタフティングクッションが2つ、ソファの上に並べられている様子。青い雲模様と夕焼けのグラデーションが特徴的。 右には緑豊かな背景の中でリアルに描かれた虎のタフティングラグ。

AUTUMN TUFTING CONTEST 2024 results announced!

Once again, we would like to thank everyone for submitting such wonderful, highly polished works.

Now, let's announce the winners! 🎉

🏆 Best Performance Award

It got a lot of likes and captured the hearts of many people!

A bright room decorated with two colorful tufted cushions that evoke the image of a sunset and blue sky.
A close-up of the blue tufted cushions on a sofa featuring a striking sky and cloud design.A close-up of the tufted cushions on the sofa, designed to resemble a sunset.A close-up of the blue tufted cushions on a sofa featuring a striking sky and cloud design.

■ Title of work
(Left) Shubo (Akigure)
(Right) Sokyu

■Work Description
Shubo (Autumn and Winter)
Created with the image of autumn, evening and twilight in mind.
The part that touches the waist is made of wool to make it durable, and the gradation effect adds depth to the look.
sokyu (blue sky)
Created with the image of a clear blue sky and reflective sea.
Wool is mixed into the lower part to add depth to the dark color.

■ Yarn used
Shubo (Autumn and Winter)
Wool G34 and other acrylic yarns for tufting
sokyu (blue sky)
Wool M21 and other acrylic yarns for tufting

🏆 Creative Rug Award

This is Ragmatag's "Most Creative Work"!

A woman poses next to a life-size tufted rug made to look like a tiger, placed indoors.
A tufted rug featuring a realistic tiger against a lush green background. The design is characterised by a three-dimensional effect.

■ Title of the work
Life-sized Tiger

■Work description: A life-size tiger tufted rug is complete.
The impressive size of 180cm means it can be laid out on the floor, but it also comes with a panel on the back so it can be displayed upright.

■ Yarn used
Made with 100% wool yarn from RUGMATAG.

The two winners will receive a special gift (a tufting gun and 10 rolls of yarn)🎁
Please use it in your future productions!

Thank you very much to everyone who applied!
All the works were outstanding, and the judges had a difficult time selecting the winners.

Please look forward to the next contest!
We will continue to support your creativity through tufting.

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    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 


    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 

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