frequently asked Questions
Tufting Help Page (Q&A)
This page collects various questions and inquiries that RUGMATAG receives. About tufting ⚫︎What does "tufting" mean? "Tufting" refers to the technique of weaving thread into a special fabric (tufting cloth)...
Tufting Help Page (Q&A)
This page collects various questions and inquiries that RUGMATAG receives. About tufting ⚫︎What does "tufting" mean? "Tufting" refers to the technique of weaving thread into a special fabric (tufting cloth)...
Tufting Starter Set
Rugma Tag's original starter set will solve the worries of those who...
Tufting Gun
Tufting guns are essential for tufting. We have a wide range of...
Wool yarn for tufting
Wool yarn suitable for tufting with the AK-1 (and other AK series)....
Acrylic yarn for tufting | MB210 HIGH QUALITY ACRYLIC YARN | Made in Japan
MIYOSHI TUFTING MATERIAL® MB210 is a high-quality acrylic yarn manufactured for tufting...
Soft Acrylic Yarn for Tufting
Soft acrylic is best applied in 1-2 strands. You can either buy...
Tufting base fabric/lining
Base fabric and lining suitable for tufting. \Cross bulk purchase discount/ If...
Finish (Finishing materials and tools)
These are materials and tools used for the finishing touches in the...
Tufting Tools
These are useful tools and materials that can be used for tufting,...