Frequently asked questions (Q&A)

This page collects various questions and inquiries that RUGMATAG receives.

About the Tufting Gun

I want to adjust the length of the AK-1 brush's bristles.

We do not recommend changing the pile length from the initial setting.

Adjusting the initial pile length may cause misalignment in other parts, which may result in malfunction of the tufting gun.

If you want to create the effect of different lengths, we recommend using a trimmer for the finishing touches or using a gun with a different initial length.

I want to adjust the length of the AK-2 brush's bristles.

You can adjust the bristles of the AK-2 by about 5mm yourself.
Please refer to the video below (from 0:50) for instructions on how to adjust it.
Turning the screw up will make the bristles longer and turning it down will make them shorter.
*When raising it up, make sure to leave a little slack on the upper side when securing it.
If you raise it too high, you won't be able to hit it in.
If you would like to adjust the length by more than 5mm, please contact us.

Please tell me the characteristics of each gun.

Please refer to the following blog article and YouTube video.
How to choose a tufting gun and the types

・AK-1 Cut Pile Tufting Gun (Hand Sewing Machine for Rugs)

AK-2 Loop Pile Tufting Gun (Hand Sewing Machine for Rugs)

Please tell me the difference between 16mm and 10mm.

When starting tufting, many people choose the AK-1 16mm as their first knife.
By hammering it in at 16mm and then using a trimmer or similar tool for finishing, you can create uneven surfaces.

The advantages of 10mm are that the shorter pile reduces the amount of yarn used, and when used in combination with a 16mm gun it can create a rug with a textured surface.
Many people already own a 16mm tufting gun and purchase the 10mm as their second gun.

The image below shows the difference between 16mm and 10mm. Please take a look for reference.

If yarn gets tangled in the gear

If the yarn gets tangled in the gear, be sure to turn off the power and then turn the gear clockwise while removing the yarn with tweezers or something similar.
Repeat the process of unwinding the thread and turning the gear, and do so little by little without forcing the gear to turn.
Reasons why yarn can get tangled in the gear include the yarn hanging down to the right, as shown in the photo below, or hanging down for too long.
When shooting, make sure the yarn is on the left side of the gun.

About repairs

For details about repairs and compensation, please see the following URL:

How do I maintain my gun?

About WS

When participating in a workshop, can accompanying persons observe?

Due to studio space limitations, entry is by reservation only.

Can 2-3 people work together on one rug?

Due to studio space limitations, we are currently not offering courses where multiple people work together to create a single rug.

We will make one rug per person.

What kind of rugs can you make?

We can create rugs in a variety of designs.

We are introducing some of the rugs that our customers have made in our workshops so far.
Please also see the gallery page .

How do I prepare an original design?

For more details about the design, please check the page at the URL below.

Can I take photos and videos?

Photography is permitted throughout the store.

We also have camera stands for smartphones available for taking photos of your production process, etc.
*Please refrain from filming long videos during the explanation section of the Original Rug/Mini Rug Workshop or the Master Course.

Can I eat and drink?

Eating and drinking on the terrace is possible.

Please feel free to take a break. *Please refrain from eating or drinking anything with a strong smell.

Are there any additional charges?

There are no additional charges.

The cost of materials and shipping of the finished rug are all included in the price.
Please rest assured that there will be no additional charges even if the time exceeds the limit.

What age can I participate?

Due to the physical demands of this activity, we recommend that participants be 16 years of age or older.
Please contact us if you are a junior high school student. We are currently not accepting students under elementary school age.

Can you create expressions with differences in height?

It is possible to create a three-dimensional effect by using two types of guns with different bristle lengths.
It is possible to create two different height levels as shown in the image below.

When thinking of a design, please decide in advance which parts you want to make lower and which parts you want to make higher, and then submit your design. The three-dimensional effect of carving with clippers cannot be reproduced in a workshop due to the difficulty and time constraints.

Can I learn to run a workshop?

We offer three types of workshops: the Home Tufting Master Course, the Original Rug Workshop, and the Mini Rug Workshop.

Among these, we recommend taking the Original Rug Workshop and the Master Course.

The Home Tufting Master Course will teach you the basics of tufting.
This course will also satisfy those who are currently tufting and want to refresh their knowledge of the basics.
If you run a workshop, having some basic knowledge of tufting will come in handy when customers ask you questions about tufting and ask for advice.

At the Original Rug Workshop, you can experience making a rug of your own original design, measuring approximately 60cm x 60cm or 50cm x 70cm.
This course is also recommended for those who have never tried tufting before and would like to try making one large rug.

About tufting

What is the difference between wool and acrylic?

Please refer to the following blog article and YouTube video.

・How to choose the right yarn for tufting

We also have review blog articles for each yarn, so please refer to them.

・MB210 HIGH QUALITY ACRYLIC YARN (Acrylic yarn for tufting)

・RUGMATAG WOOL YARN (wool yarn for tufting)

・RUGMATAG SOFT ACRYLIC YARN (acrylic yarn for tufting)

What is the difference between Tufting Cloth and Hessian?

Please refer to the YouTube video below.

What is the difference between RADITEX and tufting backing (rug adhesive)?
Please tell me how to glue the aluminum frame.
Please tell me about the materials and equipment required for tufting.

Please refer to the following blog article and YouTube video.


Is there parking available?

We do not have an affiliated parking lot, but there are several paid parking lots nearby.
Since it is often crowded, some customers choose to use nearby commercial facilities (Royal Home Center, Q's Mall, etc.).

Can you issue a receipt?

You will need to issue your own receipt.

You can issue it on the purchase completion screen or on your RUGMATAG My Page. You can also change the addressee yourself.

Our store only issues digital receipts, so if you need a paper receipt, we ask that you print it out yourself.

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  • 古いデザインの『RUG CRAFTERS』ブランドのスピードタフティングツールセットの箱とツール、毛糸巻き器、糸立てなどのクラフト用品が並べられている様子。背景にはダークグレーの幾何学模様の布が敷かれている。


    \TUFTING FLEA MARKET/ 開催まであと1週間!掘り出し物を手に入れるチャンスをお見逃しなく! 目玉商品ラインナップ ■ヴィンテージツールヴィンテージの手刺しツールなど、なかなか手に入らないレアなアイテム!実用はもちろん、コレクションとしてもオススメです。■タフティングガン新古品や中古品を安価でご提供!その場で試し打ち&動作確認ができるので、安心して購入できます。■B品ツールちょっとした傷などの理由でB品扱いになったツールをお得に販売。機能性はバッチリです!他にも、毛糸、クロス、フレームなど、多数アイテム準備しています!  


    \TUFTING FLEA MARKET/ 開催まであと1週間!掘り出し物を手に入れるチャンスをお見逃しなく! 目玉商品ラインナップ ■ヴィンテージツールヴィンテージの手刺しツールなど、なかなか手に入らないレアなアイテム!実用はもちろん、コレクションとしてもオススメです。■タフティングガン新古品や中古品を安価でご提供!その場で試し打ち&動作確認ができるので、安心して購入できます。■B品ツールちょっとした傷などの理由でB品扱いになったツールをお得に販売。機能性はバッチリです!他にも、毛糸、クロス、フレームなど、多数アイテム準備しています!  

  • 新年のご挨拶


    新年あけましておめでとうございます!昨年も多くのお客様に支えられ、大変感謝しております。 三周年を迎える今年は、より皆さまに喜んでいただける活動ができるよう、一層努力してまいります。 感謝を込めた企画を計画中ですので、楽しみにしていてください。


    新年あけましておめでとうございます!昨年も多くのお客様に支えられ、大変感謝しております。 三周年を迎える今年は、より皆さまに喜んでいただける活動ができるよう、一層努力してまいります。 感謝を込めた企画を計画中ですので、楽しみにしていてください。

  • カラフルなタフティングクッションが2つ、ソファの上に並べられている様子。青い雲模様と夕焼けのグラデーションが特徴的。 右には緑豊かな背景の中でリアルに描かれた虎のタフティングラグ。


    今回も皆さまから、完成度の高い素晴らしい作品をご応募いただきありがとうございました。 この度ご応募いただいた皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!どの作品も力作ぞろいで、審査員一同大変悩みながら選考を行いました。次回のコンテストもぜひお楽しみに!これからもタフティングを通して、皆さまの創造力を全力で応援してまいります✨


    今回も皆さまから、完成度の高い素晴らしい作品をご応募いただきありがとうございました。 この度ご応募いただいた皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!どの作品も力作ぞろいで、審査員一同大変悩みながら選考を行いました。次回のコンテストもぜひお楽しみに!これからもタフティングを通して、皆さまの創造力を全力で応援してまいります✨

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