大阪森ノ宮にタフティングの専門店RUGMATAG(ラグマタグ)がオープンします(shop3月13日/studio4月OPEN予定) - RUGMATAG

Tufting specialty store RUGMATAG will open in Morinomiya, Osaka (shop scheduled to open on March 13th/studio in April)

At the shop scheduled to open on March 13th, you can actually see items necessary for tufting such as tufting guns AK-1, AK-2, and AK-3 (scheduled to arrive in April), tufting cloths, backing cloths, and clippers. You can purchase it. (Due to pre-opening in March, business hours will be shortened on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays)
We are also planning to sell our original rugs from around June. Please stay tuned as we will be adding new products from time to time. *We also sell online.

Tufting workshops (experiential classes) will be held regularly at the studio, which is scheduled to open in April. If you would like to try tufting but are unsure about many things, please join us. *Reservations are scheduled to start in mid-March.

*Depending on the coronavirus situation, the opening may be delayed. Please see our website for the latest details.

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