3月13日(日)ついにオープンしました! - RUGMATAG

We finally opened on Sunday, March 13th!

RUGMATAG Morinomiya new store is pre-opening from today!
(Thank you for visiting us since we opened!)

Business days during the pre-opening period are:
Business hours are from 13:00 to 18:00 only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

During March, only the SHOP on the 4th floor will be open.

At the SHOP, you can actually hold tufting guns and other products in your hands, see them, and purchase them!

During the pre-season period, the number of products is small, so
I would like to see the products currently on sale at the online shop! Please note that this is for people who are.

Also, for a limited time during the pre-opening period in March, we are planning to offer customers who wish to try out a simple tufting gun for free!

Unlike workshops, you cannot take your work home with you,
I think there are many people who are worried about purchasing it until they actually try it out.
Please take this opportunity to come and visit our store ✨

*Please note that there are only stairs up to the 4th floor.

RK Building 4F, 1-11-18 Morinomiya Chuo, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture
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