年末のご挨拶 - RUGMATAG

Year-end greetings

2023 is almost over.


We are very grateful for the support we have received from our customers, artists, colleagues, and media over the past year.

Thank you very much everyone.


This year, we have begun handling materials from Miyoshi Rugs, held our first POP UP with RISA , sold collaboration rugs with artist SHOP , interacted with a Korean tufting studio, and exhibited at an exhibition. I feel that it has been a very fruitful year with many activities such as holding a tufting contest online.


I truly feel that I was able to do all these things because of your support!


To be honest, I worked hard every day and managed to get through this year! I have a strong feeling, but during the year-end and New Year holidays, I would like to take stock of the events of the past year and use them as energy for next year.

And in 2024 , we will continue to work hard together with everyone to expand the appeal of tufting as much as possible.

We look forward to your continued patronage next year.


Influenza, corona, and colds are all the rage, so please take proper preventive measures and have a wonderful New Year's holiday.


Happy new year!

Business and shipping operations will start from January 4th in the new year.



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  • コンクリート風の背景に置かれた生成りの巾着袋。袋にはタフティングガンを持つキャラクターと “RUGMATAG” のロゴがデザインされている


    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 


    🎉 RUGMATAG 3周年!皆さまへの感謝を込めて いつもRUGMATAGをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます! 3月13日で森ノ宮の店舗オープンから 3周年を迎えます✨ これまで店頭・オンラインともにたくさんのお客様に支えていただき、心より感謝申し上げます。 ホームタフティングをより快適に楽しんでいただけるよう、4年目もさまざまなことに取り組んでいきます! そして、3周年を記念して特別なノベルティをご用意しました! 

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    [Important Notice] Notice regarding change of a...

    Thank you for always using RUGMATAG. We are pleased to announce that there will be a slight change to the material of the Miyoshi Rug Acrylic Yarn (MB210 HIGH QUALITY...

    [Important Notice] Notice regarding change of a...

    Thank you for always using RUGMATAG. We are pleased to announce that there will be a slight change to the material of the Miyoshi Rug Acrylic Yarn (MB210 HIGH QUALITY...

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