
Wool yarn for tufting by Kukka Tanssi

We would like to introduce some of our customers who are using our wool yarn to create tufting projects.

We spoke to Kukka Tanssi, winner of the CREATIVE RUG Award at the 2023 AUTUMN TUFTING CONTEST hosted by RUGMATAG for Picture Book Rugs, about his new work made with wool yarn.

■ Title

Favorite Places

A tufted rug with beautiful nature and animal designs spreads across a wooden floor.
Tufted rug details with delicate green leaves and pink flowers

"The fox has a favourite spot, where he comes every day, pushing open an old door.
They watch the seasonal flowers bloom and wither, and wait for the robins to arrive in the spring for their migration.

A tufted rug with a natural landscape theme, with beautiful shadows and light effects.

When I can freely draw the lines I want to draw with tufting, I will have completed a rug that only I can make. I feel like I am becoming freer with each production, and this piece was a lot of fun to make.

■ Equipment and materials used

This piece was recorded using only the AK-1.

The yarn used is mainly rug wool.
I really like this yarn because the fibers don't fall out easily even after it's been used as a rug, and the color of the yarn is soft and vibrant when cut.

A close-up shot of a tufted rug featuring striking blue flowers.


Kukka Tanssi
It's called "Kukka Tanshi."
(Finnish for flowers and dancing)

It all started with an art teacher I met during my childhood, and through various encounters I began to discover the joy of expression.
I started classical ballet and danced passionately for over a decade, during which I spent my free time reading books and drawing, which I loved. After retiring from the stage due to an injury, I studied children's literature at university and searched for a way to express myself other than dancing.

I discovered tufting in 2022, and now I continue to teach ballet while making rugs with the same feeling as illustrating picture books. Eventually, dance, craftsmanship, and storytelling became my world.

■ Future activities

Several tufted rugs are lined up in a room with an impressive wooden texture.

This year, we have been exhibiting and selling our work in new locations such as Tokyo and Kyoto in an effort to increase opportunities for people to see it.
In December we will be setting up a stand at the Creators Market in Nagoya, our final sale of the year.
Next year, our goal is to produce the picture book rugs, which have previously only been exhibited, for sale and have them placed in bookstores, libraries, children's centers, etc., so that more people can experience the joy of rugs.


To see more of Kukka Tanssi's latest work, be sure to check out his Instagram.

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