
Wool yarn for tufting by Keiko Manabe

We would like to introduce some of our customers who are using our wool yarn to create tufting projects.

The other day, I visited and photographed Manabe Keiko's exhibition and workshop held in Osaka.

All of Manabe's animals have expressive faces, which harmonize beautifully with the warm texture unique to wool.

This time, we asked him for more details about this piece, which features an impressive depiction of water.

■ Title

Monkey soaking in a yuzu bath

A woman decorating a tufting piece on a white wall. The piece features a design of monkeys bathing in a hot spring and orange fruits.

From the illustrations I draw every day, I choose those that suit the tufting technique. To express water, I sew yarn into the fabric with the image of mixing paints and moving a brush.

A close-up of Tufting's work shows a monkey bathing in a hot spring, complete with blue water and vibrant orange citrus.

I think I was able to express a soft, relaxed feel by leaving the ends of the hair uneven and not too even.

■ Equipment and materials used

・AK-1 cut pile tufting gun ・Wool yarn for tufting


Approx. 50 x 50 cm

■ Future activities

Tufted gorilla and tiger faces are displayed side by side on the wall.

The theme of my activities is, "I want new concepts and events to be born from a single idea, and I want everyone to share and express the fun and excitement of art."
I would like to continue holding tufting workshops in the future, where I can share the fun and joy of making things with many people.


Please check out Manabe's Instagram for the latest information and other work.

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