
[Must-see for beginners/Product review] RUGMATAG WOOL YARN (wool yarn for tufting)

Hello. We are Tufting studio & shop RUGMATAG, a tufting workshop and equipment/materials specialist store in Morinomiya, Osaka.

This time, we will be introducing ☆The most popular wool yarn in the yarn section of the Ragmatag online shop☆.

Wool yarn is said to be the best rug yarn and is suitable for rugs. This time, we will introduce WOOL YARN (wool yarn for tufting) that we handle at Ragmatag.

WOOL YARN (Wool yarn for tufting)

The image shows cones of colorful wool tufting yarn, with pink and green yarn prominently displayed in the foreground and other colors such as yellow, blue, purple and red in the background.
  • Color options : 60 colors
  • Weight : 500g
  • Yarn thickness : Medium thickness
  • Appropriate number of strands to use with a tufting gun : 2 strands recommended
  • Texture : Firm texture
  • Durability : ◎/Ideal for general tufting projects, from rugs to flooring
  • Processing : Lightfast

It is a natural fiber that does not easily lose its shape even when stepped on, has resilience, and has a moisture-regulating effect. It also has a high ignition temperature and low combustion heat, making it difficult to burn.

The image shows two cones of red tufting yarn standing on a wooden yarn stand. A hand can be seen in the foreground preparing to lift the yarn stand. In the background, the tufting workspace is visible, including a wooden frame and pieces of white furniture.

It is easy to handle with two strands and works very well with a tufting gun.

The advantage of the two-strand technique is that it is easy to prepare and easy to handle. It is not good at producing fine gradations like the five-strand technique, but it is good at producing clear lines.

This image shows a portion of a tufted rug with a green pattern on a pink background. The rug has a soft, fluffy surface with fine, dense pile. The pattern is curvaceous, making the green areas appear to pop out. The rug's texture and color contrast are vivid, giving it a warm, handmade feel.

This wool yarn works very well with tufting guns and causes very little trouble, so it is recommended for a wide range of tufters, from beginners to advanced tufters.

Recommended uses

Ragmatag wool yarn is highly durable and perfect for tufting projects such as:

  • Indoor and outdoor rugs
  • Wall hangings
  • Tufted Mirror
  • Small item holder
  • Other tufting works in general
The image shows a tufted rug with colorful lettering against a black background. The rug has the word "RUGMATAG" printed in large letters, with "RUG" in blue, "MA" in green and "TAG" in white. The rug lies flat on the floor, giving it a firm texture. Part of the workshop is visible in the background, giving a sense that the tufted rugs are handmade.
This image shows a colorful, intricately designed tufted rug hanging on a wall. The rug has a blue, white, green, orange, and black pattern that resembles an abstract map. The rug has a fluffy texture and the color combinations are vibrant. In the background, shelves lined with colorful cones of yarn are visible, revealing part of the workspace.

Choose your favorite color from a wide range of 60 colors and bring your creative ideas to life.


RUGMATAG wool yarn is durable, easy to use, and comes in a range of colors that blend in with your interior, making your tufting projects even more attractive. Use this yarn made from high-quality materials to create your own original projects!

↓You can see the color lineup on the collection page. ↓
WOOL YARN (Collection page for wool yarn for tufting)

Please try it once!

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