【初心者必見/商品レビュー】新商品「コードレス電動ハサミ」と裁ちばさみを比較してみた - RUGMATAG

Comparison of cordless electric scissors and cutting shears

Hello. We are Tufting studio & shop RUGMATAG, which operates a tufting workshop and a specialty store for equipment and materials in Morinomiya, Osaka .

Very convenient this time Please read until the end to see the appeal of cordless electric scissors and the time it takes to cut compared to cutting scissors.

I hope this will be helpful to those who have concerns or questions such as ``I want to make my work as efficient as possible'' or ``What are the benefits of cordless electric scissors?''

About cordless electric scissors

Cordless electric scissors are items that can improve the efficiency of finishing work by simply pressing the trigger and the blades vibrating, allowing you to easily cut fabrics, etc. by simply moving them in the direction you want to cut.

This item is loved by all our staff.

What I would like to say to you with all my might is that it is extremely convenient!

◎This is the recommended point◎

・Excellent sharpness and very smooth work

・Smart and convenient handling as it is rechargeable

At our store, we mainly use these when cutting fabric or when cutting out fabric after the adhesive has dried, but if you are using scissors to sharpen the boundaries of a rug design, you can use this instead. You can also do things.

I'm sure you'll be impressed by how convenient it is once you try it, so I'd like you to try it at least once.

I'm sure you won't be able to part with it!

*Like that We have recently revised the price of cordless electric scissors to make them more affordable. 2024/2/3

Now, let's compare cordless electric scissors and trimming shears and see how much of a difference there is in working time by dividing them into two patterns and actually verifying them.

Verification ①

Let's compare the time it takes to cut the excess fabric around the fabric after stretching it.

First, use cutting shears to cut one side.

It took about 11 seconds to cut one side.

Next, use cordless electric scissors to cut one side of the same length.

It took about 5 seconds to cut one side.


When comparing the cutting shears and cordless electric scissors, there was a difference of 6 seconds .

Verification ②

Next, let's compare the time it takes to cut out the work after the glue dries.

First, use cutting scissors to cut a square around the piece.

It took about 18 seconds to cut.

Next, use cordless electric scissors to cut the same size. Cut a square around the work.

It took about 8 seconds to cut.


When comparing the cutting shears and cordless electric scissors, there was a difference of 10 seconds .


What did you think of the verification results?
Cordless electric scissors can cut the time it takes to cut with scissors by more than half. The more work you do, the less time it takes, so this item is highly recommended for those who run a tufting workshop, sell rugs, have many rugs to finish, and want to improve work efficiency.

This time I wrote an article comparing cordless electric scissors and cutting shears. Cordless electric scissors are a very convenient item to have and are very useful at RUGMATAG. We highly recommend cordless electric scissors that help eliminate stress and save time!

Please try this item that will make your tufting life more comfortable.

Regarding notification of new information

Until the end Thank you for reading. RUGMATAG plans to continue posting various articles about tufting in the future. We plan to regularly notify you of the latest information on Instagram , Twitter , LINE official account , email newsletter (see below), etc. If you are interested, please follow us on social media, add friends to our official LINE account, and sign up for our email newsletter.

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