
[Must-see for beginners/Product review] RUGMATAG SOFT ACRYLIC YARN (Acrylic yarn for tufting)

Hello. We are Tufting studio & shop RUGMATAG, which runs a tufting workshop and a store specializing in equipment and materials in Morinomiya, Osaka. This time, we will introduce soft acrylic yarns that are recommended for wall hangings and small items.

It is inexpensive and easy to prepare because it is recommended to use one or two pieces, so it is especially recommended for beginners. With a wide range of 92 colors, it is sure to make creating works even more fun.

This image shows a row of colorful yarn cones. The various colors are neatly arranged on a gray shelf, with the yarn in the foreground standing out against a blurred background. The colors of the yarn range from white, green, red, pink, purple, blue, and brown, making for a beautiful display that evokes needlework and tufting.

Product Features

  • Available colors : 92 colors (online only), 45 colors (in store)
  • Material : 100% acrylic
  • Weight : Approx. 200g
  • Yarn thickness : Medium thickness
  • Appropriate number of strands to use with a tufting gun : 1-2 strands recommended
  • Texture : Soft and fluffy texture
  • Durability : ○/Not designed for use as a rug, so it is best suited for making wall hangings, tufted mirrors, and other small items rather than as a rug.

Wide range of colors

The soft acrylic yarn comes in 92 colors, so you're sure to find the perfect color for your image or theme. We also sell color charts that allow you to see all the colors and textures in person.

Yarn color chart with color numbers. Multiple colored yarn samples are attached to a card with a number next to each sample. A hand holds the color chart and the background is a white wall.

A yarn made up of eight thin strands twisted together

This yarn is made of eight thin strands twisted together, and when woven it spreads out and has a soft texture. Because it has volume, it is easier to make it dense by using two strands.

Two large balls of yarn are placed side by side, a pale green ball on the left and a bright blue ball on the right, with a small end hanging down on each side, against a grey surface in the background.

Recommended uses

Soft acrylic yarn is perfect for wall hangings and small items, with its soft texture and wide range of colors. This yarn is perfect for those who want to create works with vibrant colors, those who like a soft texture, and those who want to purchase yarn at a reasonable price.

Soft acrylic yarns are not made for rugs, so if you are making floor rugs, we recommend our wool yarn for rugs and acrylic yarn for rugs MB210. These yarns are strong and durable when used for rugs, making them practical and long-lasting.

A purple-and-white tufted mirror stands on a white table, with a brightly lit window and plants looming in the background.
An orange and grey tufted flower pot sits on a white table, with a blurred RUGMATAG neon sign and shelves visible in the background.
A colorful rug with an abstract design sits on the floor, featuring irregular shapes in blue, green, black, white, and pink, against a gray floor.


Soft acrylic yarn is inexpensive, easy to prepare, and available in a wide range of colors, making it an item that can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, from beginners to experienced crafters. This yarn is perfect for wall hangings and small items, so why not try giving shape to your ideas!

↓You can see the color lineup on the collection page. ↓

Please try it once!

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    \TUFTING FLEA MARKET/ 開催まであと1週間!掘り出し物を手に入れるチャンスをお見逃しなく! 目玉商品ラインナップ ■ヴィンテージツールヴィンテージの手刺しツールなど、なかなか手に入らないレアなアイテム!実用はもちろん、コレクションとしてもオススメです。■タフティングガン新古品や中古品を安価でご提供!その場で試し打ち&動作確認ができるので、安心して購入できます。■B品ツールちょっとした傷などの理由でB品扱いになったツールをお得に販売。機能性はバッチリです!他にも、毛糸、クロス、フレームなど、多数アイテム準備しています!  

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    新年あけましておめでとうございます!昨年も多くのお客様に支えられ、大変感謝しております。 三周年を迎える今年は、より皆さまに喜んでいただける活動ができるよう、一層努力してまいります。 感謝を込めた企画を計画中ですので、楽しみにしていてください。

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    今回も皆さまから、完成度の高い素晴らしい作品をご応募いただきありがとうございました。 この度ご応募いただいた皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!どの作品も力作ぞろいで、審査員一同大変悩みながら選考を行いました。次回のコンテストもぜひお楽しみに!これからもタフティングを通して、皆さまの創造力を全力で応援してまいります✨

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