
How to draw designs on tufting cloth

Hello. We are Tufting studio & shop RUGMATAG, a tufting workshop and equipment/materials specialist store in Morinomiya, Osaka .

Even though you're ready to start making your own, do you ever wonder, "How should I transfer the design onto the fabric?" or "What should I be careful of?" This time, we've put together a guide on how to transfer the design onto tufting cloth. We hope this will be helpful when you start making your own.


Simple patterns and illustrations can be drawn directly onto the tufting cloth.

When drawing freehand on tufting cloth, one thing to be careful of is forgetting to mirror the pattern .

Draw the design in reverse on the striking surface.

If it's a simple design, you can draw it freehand.

For transferring letters or complex designs, we recommend using a projector, as described below.


Transferring with a projector allows you to draw accurately, and even complex designs can be easily achieved by simply tracing the design, so it is highly recommended.

When transferring with a projector, keep the lights in the room as dark as possible so the design is easier to see.

There are many different types of projectors.

When transferring tufting, we recommend a printer that is small, has adjustable height and fine positioning, and can connect to a smartphone using Bluetooth or mirroring functions.

The projector we use in our store is a small NEBULA projector .

Preparing the design

If you are designing by hand on paper, etc., take a photo of the design with your smartphone, etc., being careful not to distort it.

If you are designing digitally (using tools such as Illustrator), save it on your smartphone, iPad, etc.

If you draw contours and color boundaries in clear colors, they will be clearly visible when projected onto the tufting cloth, allowing for a smooth transfer.

How to project from the driving surface

The workspace features shelves of colorful yarn lined up on the wall and a white chair. A colorful abstract design is projected onto the screen on the right. The workspace has a simple and modern feel.

When projecting from the printing surface, it is important to invert the design beforehand. The inverted design is then projected onto the printing surface.

Measure the size with a ruler and transfer it to the desired size.

A close-up of a hand using a pen to trace a colorful abstract design projected on a screen. The design features colors such as yellow, blue, purple and beige, and the artist is working to ensure the lines are drawn precisely.

When transferring from a printing surface, if you draw from directly in front, the design will overlap with the projector and become invisible, so reach out slightly to the side to draw more smoothly.

How to project from a surface

A workspace with a projector-illustrated screen displaying an abstract colorful design on the wall, a table and shelves filled with colorful yarn, revealing a tranquil working environment.

If you have enough space on the front side, we recommend projecting using this method.

If you project the design from the front, do not invert the design; if you project the original design as is, an inverted design will be projected onto the printing surface.

Measure the size with a ruler or something similar and transfer it to the desired size.

By projecting from the surface, there is no need to flip the image, and since there is no overlap with the projector, the transfer is very smooth.


This time we introduced how to draw designs on tufting cloth.

Having a clear and neat draft to serve as a guide will affect the balance of the finished product and ease of working with it.

Our tufting cloth has guide lines every 5cm , making it easy to balance when transferring with a projector or drawing freehand, so we recommend it.

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Thank you for reading to the end. RUGMATAG plans to continue posting various articles about tufting. We plan to regularly announce the latest information on Instagram , Twitter , our official LINE account , and our email newsletter (see below). If you are interested, please follow us on social media, add us as a friend on our official LINE account, and subscribe to our email newsletter.

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