
How to use the AK-1 cut pile tufting gun

Hello. We areTufting studio & shop RUGMATAG, which operates a tufting workshop and a specialty store for equipment and materials in Morinomiya, Osaka. This time, I wrote an article about the basic usage of the model AK-1 cut pile tufting gun , which is a particularly popular model among tufting guns. I hope this will be helpful to those who say, ``I bought an AK-1, but I can't use it well...'' or ``I bought an AK-1 and want to start tufting, but I'm not sure how to use it...''

How to use the AK-1 cut pile tufting gun

①Stretch the cloth on the frame (straighten the warp and weft of the cloth, firmly like a drum)
How to use AK-1 tufting gun How to stretch cloth

② Connect the AK-1 to the outlet and turn on the switch (do not use anything other than the included adapter)

How to use the AK-1 tufting gun Power supply

③ Pull the trigger and check the operating speed (adjust to your desired speed with the knob at the bottom of the grip)

How to use the AK-1 tufting gun: Speed ​​adjustment

④ Thread the yarn through the needle hole and guide hole (please use yarn suitable for tufting. Click here to purchase specialized yarn → yarn lineup )

AK-1 tufting gun How to thread yarn

⑤ Grasp the grip and handle of AK-1 firmly and stick the needle into the cross and press firmly.

AK-1 tufting gun how to drive

⑥ Move the AK-1 at a moderate speed while pulling the trigger.

⑦ Release your finger from the trigger and pull out the needle from the cross.

⑧Put the yarn in at appropriate intervals and draw your favorite design!

How to drive AK-1 cut pile tufting gun

It takes practice to thread the yarn neatly. Instead of trying to create a piece all at once, try making a test shot on a piece of cloth for practice first. Please practice to be able to express straight lines and yarns evenly, and curves neatly.

What about times like this?

・The cloth gets cut...

Is the needle being inserted into the fabric while the trigger is being pressed?

・I can't cut the yarn...

Are you using the right yarn for your tufting gun? If the yarn is too thick or too stiff, it may not cut.
If you are using yarn suitable for tufting and the yarn still does not cut, it may require maintenance or repair.

・Become sparse...

You may be moving the AK-1 too fast or the rows of yarn may be too far apart.

How to use AK-1 tufting gun: become faint
How to use the AK-1 tufting gun: become thin

・I want to change the length of my hair...

We do not recommend trying to change the length of the AK-1's bristles by yourself. It is a very delicate structure, and any adjustments made on your own may become irreversible. If you would like to change the length of the pile, please contact the store where you purchased it and leave it in, or consider purchasing a new one specifying the desired length. (Changing the length of the AK-1's bristles is a complicated process and cannot be changed easily. It is not suitable for flexibly changing the length of the bristles on a single AK-1. If you want to change the expression by changing the length of the legs, we recommend purchasing a dedicated machine for each length.)
Click here to purchase AK-1


This time we introduced how to use the AK-1 cut pile tufting gun. Tufting guns such as the AK-1 may look simple, but they are more delicate. If you use it incorrectly, the cloth may break or you may not be able to press it properly. If you use the equipment improperly, you may get injured or cause it to malfunction, so if you handle the equipment carefully and do not put any stress on it, I think the finished product will be beautiful.

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Until the end Thank you for reading. RUGMATAG plans to continue posting various articles about tufting in the future. We plan to regularly notify you of new information on Instagram , Twitter , LINE official account , email newsletter (see below), etc. If you are interested, please follow us on social media, add friends to our official LINE account, and sign up for our email newsletter.

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    今回も皆さまから、完成度の高い素晴らしい作品をご応募いただきありがとうございました。 この度ご応募いただいた皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!どの作品も力作ぞろいで、審査員一同大変悩みながら選考を行いました。次回のコンテストもぜひお楽しみに!これからもタフティングを通して、皆さまの創造力を全力で応援してまいります✨

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